Barbara KÖPKE

  • Professor in Language Sciences
  • Contact details

    Neuropsycholinguistics Lab / Maison de la Recherche bureau E 1.16 / Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès / 5 allées Antonio Machado / 31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9
    E 1.16

    Research topics

    My research is focussed on neuropsycholinguistic aspects of bilingualism and aims a better understanding of the specificities of bilingual speakers regarding the use of two (or more) languages, their development and potential language disorders. I am particularly interested in cognitive processes involved in the control of several languages (for example in conference interpreters who process two languages simultaneously) and in the interaction between the languages in online processing.

    I have mostly investigated these interactions in the context of attrition of the L1, when a dominant language turns non-dominant following a change of language environment. Research on L1 attrition has attracted our attention to the dynamics of the interactions between languages, but many questions remain still open. Presently I am particularly interested in the temporality of these processes depending on factors like age of acquisition or language use, how they are impacted in language disorders as well as their neurophysiological grounding.

    Aimed at contributing to a more comprehensive awareness of the specificities of bi- and multilingual speakers, my research outcomes include the development of clinical tools for assessment and rehabilitation of bilingual aphasic patients and of advice for harmonious development of bilingualism.

    Activities / Resume

    Ongoing projects :

    • ORA7 BILDEV (2023-2026) Modelling bottom-up and top-down linguistic knowledge across different contexts of bilingual development. Coordinateur et porteur côté DFG H. Hopp (TU Braunschweig), porteur côté ESRC M. S. Schmid (University of York), porteur côté ANR B. Köpke (UT2J), avec Regina Hert (post-doc BILDEV, LNPL)
    • ANR JCJC CLASS (2021-2024) Culture appropriation and Language Acquisition: the role of intercultural Sensitivity in Syrian learners of French. Porteur : I. Saddour (LNPL).
    • Screening BAT : Since 2013, I've been coordinating the setting up of screening versions of the Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT) with multiple collaborators. More information and access to the tests here or on the BAT homepage at McGill University.

    Research networks:

    • GIS ReAL2 - Réseau d'Acquisition des Langues Secondesmore
    • Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet): more
    • International cooperation with l'Institut Supérieur d'Orthophonie (Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth), dir. Edith Kouba Hreich (2019 - 2024)

    Ongoing PhD supervision:

    - Awada, Layana (since 2022). Le code-switching comme paramètre de contrôle des langues chez l'adulte bilingue : l'exemple des locuteurs libanais francophones. Funding CDU. plus
    - Bredif, Iona (since 2022). Sens et contexte. Etude neuropsycholinguistique des effets contextuels dans la construction du sens. With R. Missire. Funding CDU. plus
    - Baulande, Noémie (since 2021). Du rapport entre liens sémantiques et contrôle cognitif. Etude comparative de l'accès lexical bilingue et monolingue. Funding CDU. plus

    Former PhD students:
    - Tiulkova, Ekaterina (2024). Le développement bilingue harmonieux chez les enfants franco-russes âgés de 5 ans : exploration des relations mutuelles entre l'input, le bien-être et la fluence en production orale. (with V. Marijanovic). plus
    - Ezzedine, Nour (2023). Exploration de la relation entre le contrôle cognitif et le contrôle des langues dans l’aphasie bilingue. (with X. de Boissezon, ToNIC). plus
    - Mytara, Kleopatra (2023). L'attrition des compétences linguistiques chez les apprenants hellénophones de FLE : étude de l'évolution de la complexité, de la précision et de la fluence. (with O. Theophanous). plus
    - Hevrova, Marie (2021). Attrition et CLI phonétiques en tchèque chez le bilingue tardif tchèque-français.Co-tutelle with T. Boril (Institut de Phonétique, Prague). plus
    - Ahumada Ebratt, Lyanne (2020). L'influence translinguistique de la L2 sur la L1 : le cas des extensions sémantiques chez des bilingues tardif s espagnol-français en situation d'immersion. plus
    - Cortelazzo, Francesca (2017). Représentation et contrôle des langues chez les bilingues précoces et tardifs: étude comportementale, morphométrique et en imagerie cérébrale. (with Xa. de Boissezon and V. Lubrano, ToNIC Inserm UMR 1214).
    - Massa, Emilie (2017). Bilinguisme, vieillissement et fonctions exécutives : données électrophysiologiques et comportementales. (with R. El Yagoubi).
    - Duguine, Isabelle (2013). Le développement du langage oral chez l'enfant bilingue basque-français en contexte d'acquisition simultanée vs. successive des langues. Etude de la maîtrise du cas ergatif en basque et du genre grammatical en français. (with J-L. Nespoulous and C. Videgain).
    - Aura, Karine (2012). Protocole d'évaluation du langage fondé sur le traitement des fonctions prosodiques : Etude exploratoire de deux patients atteints de gliomes de bas grade en contexte peri-opératoire. (with C. Astésano)

    Additional information

    Selected publications:


    - Tiulkova, E., Marijanovic, V., Camps, J., & Köpke, B. (2024). Assessing the Role of Input Factors on Harmonious Bilingual Development in Children. Languages, 9 (9), 289,  
    - Mytara, K., & Köpke, B. (2023). Which extra-linguistic factors affect written production skills in foreign language attrition? A longitudinal study of Greek learners having acquired French in a formal instructional setting. Language Learning Journal.
    - Guinault, S., Köpke, B., & Sturm, G. (2022). Etude exploratoire de la collaboration avec un interprète professionnel de la santé (IPS) lors du bilan orthophonique chez l’enfant ou l’adolescent multilingue. ANAE Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez les Enfants, 179, septembre 2022.
    - Köpke, B. (2021). Language attrition : A matter of brain plasticity? Some preliminary thoughts. Language, Interaction, Acquisition, 12 (1), 110-132. plus
    - Köpke, B., Howells, R. K. R., Cortelazzo, F., Péran, P., de Boissezon, X. & Lubrano, V. (2021). Functional and structural differences in brain networks involved in language processing and control in highly proficient early and late bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 59, plus
    - Massa, E., Köpke, B. & El Yagoubi, R. (2020). Age-related effect on language control and executive control in bilingual and monolingual speakers: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Neuropsychologia, vol. 138, 17 February 2020, lien
    - Duguine, I. & Köpke, B.  (2019). Processing strategies used by Basque-French bilingual and Basque monolingual children for the production of the subject-agent in Basque. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 9(4/5), 514-541. plus
    - Köpke, B. & Genevska-Hanke, D. (2018). First language attrition and dominance : same same or different ? Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1963. lien
    - Schmid, M S. & Köpke, B. (2017). The relevance of first language attrition to theories of bilingual development. Epistemologial keynote artice. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 7 (6), 637-667. plus
    - Schmid, M. S., Köpke, B. & de Bot, K. (2013). Language attrition as a complex, non-linear development. International Journal of Bilingualism, 17(6), 675-682. lien.
    - Lubrano, V., Prod'homme, K., Démonet, J-F. & Köpke, B. (2012). Language monitoring in multilingual patients undergoing awake craniotomy: a case study of a German-English-French trilingual patient with a WHO grade II glioma. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25, 567-578. lien
    Book chapters:
    - Köpke, B. (to appear). Language attrition and maintenance in multilinguals. In J. W. Schwieter & J-M. Dewaele (Eds.), Multilingualism: Foundations and the State of the Interdisciplinary Art. Bloomsbury.
    - Köpke, B., Ezzedine, N., & Massa, E. (2023). L’évaluation du sujet bilingue. In Amevia, H., Azouvi, P., Barbeau, E., & Collette, F. (Eds.), Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l’adulte. Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck Supérieur.
    Köpke, B. (2019). First language attrition: from bilingual to monolingual proficiency? In De Houwer, A. & Ortega, L. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism (pp. 349-365). Cambridge: CUP.

    Editing of books or special issues:

    - Schmid, M. S. & Köpke, B. (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. plus
    - Köpke, B. (2013). Les pathologies acquises du langage chez le patient bilingue ou multilingue. Numéro thématique de Rééducation Orthophonique,  253, 167 p. plus
    - Schmid, M. S. & B. Köpke (eds.) (2011). First language attrition/L'attrition de la langue première: Special issue of Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 2:2, 157 pp. plus
    - Köpke, B., Schmid, M. S., Keijzer, M. & Dostert, S. (éds.) (2007). Language attrition : Theoretical perspectives. Amsterdam : John Benjamins.