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Journée d'étude "Multimodality & L2 Phonology"
Publié le 2 octobre 2024 – Mis à jour le 19 janvier 2025
le 17 octobre 2024
Maison de la Recherche, E412Cette journée d'étude est organisée par le Laboratoire de NeuroPsychoLinguistique de l’Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, en collaboration avec l’Université Paris 8 et l'Université de Grenade.
Programme de la journée:
10h Welcome
Pilar Prieto
The value of embodied prosodic training for second language pronunciation learning.
Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie
From segmental to suprasegmental: which gestures to use to teach prosody in all its complexity
Marion Blondel
Prosody in LSF and ‘spoken’ French: shared properties?
12h-13h30 lunch break
Samantha Bellomo
The Role of Implicit/Explicit Prosodic Instruction on Beginner FFL Learners.
Lucie Drouillet
A Sample 8-Session Multimodal Course on L2 French Prosody
Syrine Daoussi, Fabian Santiago et Charlotte Alazard-Guiu
Examining the impact of multimodality on L2 French pronunciation: a pilot study with Spanish learners
15h-16h Discussion
16h Coffee break
Programme de la journée:
10h Welcome
Pilar Prieto
The value of embodied prosodic training for second language pronunciation learning.
Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie
From segmental to suprasegmental: which gestures to use to teach prosody in all its complexity
Marion Blondel
Prosody in LSF and ‘spoken’ French: shared properties?
12h-13h30 lunch break
Samantha Bellomo
The Role of Implicit/Explicit Prosodic Instruction on Beginner FFL Learners.
Lucie Drouillet
A Sample 8-Session Multimodal Course on L2 French Prosody
Syrine Daoussi, Fabian Santiago et Charlotte Alazard-Guiu
Examining the impact of multimodality on L2 French pronunciation: a pilot study with Spanish learners
15h-16h Discussion
16h Coffee break