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Contact details
- Address
- URI Octogone-Lordat, Maison de la Recherche, Extension E 1.26, 5 allées Antonio Machado, 31058 Toulouse Cedex 09
- Office
- E 1.26
- Phone
- gunnars@univ-tlse2.fr
Research topics
My research mainly concerns the acquisition of written French L2, but also written French L1. In this field of research, I study traditional acquisitionist aspects such as fluency, complexity and accuracy (principally morphology and syntax), as well as aspects more often tied to research in the development of writing in L1, and which relate to the oral/written interface. These aspects are memorized instances and the “liaison”.
Fluency, complexity and accuracy in L2 writing
I am interested in the possible relation between fluency, complexity and accuracy and in how these develop in the L2 learner. As an individual’s cognitive capacity is limited, will a L2 learner writing fluently make more errors or produce a less complex syntax than a learner writing less fluently? The relation between complexity and accuracy is it competitive or complementary?
Oral/written interface
- Retrieved memorized instances: The memorized instances I am looking into is when one linguistic item is produced instead of the expected one. This can take the form of substitution of radicals (nouns, verbs etc.), free morphemes (prepositions, conjunctions etc.) or morphemes tied to a radical. I am above all interested in the comparison between French L1 where this phenomenon is very frequent and will follow during all stages in school, and guided French L2 where retrieved memorized instances are rare and will make surface at a late stage of the acquisition. That is when the writers/learners start using automatisms during their writing.
- The liaison: Oral French is characterized by the natural phenomena of “enchaînement” of the final consonants with the vowel initial of the next word, which gives the impression of a continuous stream of speech. This propensity to tie the words together in speech counts as one of the difficulties of the French orthography: the novice learner has to learn to segment this continuous stream of speech to find the words and the lexical frontiers in order to restore them in writing by using graphic blanks. This ability to segment the words in written production is studied when we focalize on the “liaison” in L1 (see also Christiane Soum Favaro) and in L2.
Fluency, complexity and accuracy in L2 writing
I am interested in the possible relation between fluency, complexity and accuracy and in how these develop in the L2 learner. As an individual’s cognitive capacity is limited, will a L2 learner writing fluently make more errors or produce a less complex syntax than a learner writing less fluently? The relation between complexity and accuracy is it competitive or complementary?
Oral/written interface
- Retrieved memorized instances: The memorized instances I am looking into is when one linguistic item is produced instead of the expected one. This can take the form of substitution of radicals (nouns, verbs etc.), free morphemes (prepositions, conjunctions etc.) or morphemes tied to a radical. I am above all interested in the comparison between French L1 where this phenomenon is very frequent and will follow during all stages in school, and guided French L2 where retrieved memorized instances are rare and will make surface at a late stage of the acquisition. That is when the writers/learners start using automatisms during their writing.
- The liaison: Oral French is characterized by the natural phenomena of “enchaînement” of the final consonants with the vowel initial of the next word, which gives the impression of a continuous stream of speech. This propensity to tie the words together in speech counts as one of the difficulties of the French orthography: the novice learner has to learn to segment this continuous stream of speech to find the words and the lexical frontiers in order to restore them in writing by using graphic blanks. This ability to segment the words in written production is studied when we focalize on the “liaison” in L1 (see also Christiane Soum Favaro) and in L2.
Activities / Resume
Selected publications:
- Gunnarsson-Largy, C., Derby, N. & Largy, P. (2019). How do L2 learners and L1 writers differ in their reliance on working memory during the formulation subprocess? Reading and Writing. Online first: 25 February, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-019-09941-y
- Simoës-Perlant, A., Lanchantin, T., Gunnarsson-Largy, C., & Largy, P. (2018). Instant messaging, digital writing and spelling production quality in French. A cognitive approach. Lingvisticae investigationes, 41(2), 161-178. doi : 10.1075/li.00018.sim .
- Gunnarsson-Largy, C., & Largy, P. (2018). Effet de l’émotion sur la production orthographique d’adultes FL1 et FL2. A.N.A.E, 155.
- Simoës-Perlant, A., Gunnarsson-Largy, C., Lanchantin, T. & Largy, P. (2018) Instant messaging: a threat for poor spellers whose spelling is in the process of being consolidated. Interacções 48, 21-48.
- Simoès-Perlant, Loury, F., A., Largy, P., Gunnarsson, C., Soum-Favaro, Ch. (2013). L’effet de la liaison chez l’enfant dyslexique et normo-scripteur. A.N.A.E., Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 124, 327-333.
- Gunnarsson, C. & Largy, P. (2010). Confrontation de données expérimentales à l’analyse d’un corpus : le cas de la récupération d’instances en production écrite. Synergies Pays Scandinaves, 5, 49-64.
- Mesquida, C., Largy, P., Soum Favaro,C. & Gunnarsson, C. (2010). Lorsqu’une liaison prénominale gène puis facilite la production du pluriel des noms chez l’enfant. Synergies Pays Scandinaves, 5, 113-121.
- Hedbor, C. & Ågren, M. (2006). Acquisition et mise en œuvre de la morphologie flexionnelle en français langue étrangère. Rééducation orthophonique, mars, 2006, 159-189.
Book chapters:
- Dherbey-Chapuis, N. & Gunnarsson-Largy, C. (in press). Differentiating a nasalised oral vowel (L1) from a nasal vowel (L2 phoneme): a method for tracking L2 French phonemic acquisition. In A. Edmonds & P. Leclercq (Eds.), Research methodology in the field of second language acquisition and learning. EuroSLA Studies Series, Amsterdam: EuroSLA.
- Largy, P., Totereau, C., & Gunnarsson-Largy, C. (2018). Apprendre le marquage du pluriel. In L. Ferrand, B. Lété, & C. Thevenot (Eds.), Psychologie Cognitive des Apprentissages Scolaires. Paris : Dunod.
- Soum-Favaro, C., Gunnarsson, C., Simoës-Perlant, A., Largy, P. (2014) La liaison à l’interface entre l’oral et l’écrit, dans Soum-Favaro et al. (Eds) La liaison : approches contemporaines. Berne : Peter Lang, 141-167.
- Gunnarsson-Largy. C (2013) Utiliser l’erreur pour détecter les automatismes et l’expertise en production écrite en FLE, dans C. Gunnarsson-Largy & E. Auriac-Slusarczyk, (Eds) Ecriture et réécriture chez les élèves. Un seul corpus, divers genres discursifs et méthodologies d’analyse. Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia Bruylant, 287-302.
- Gunnarsson-Largy, C. & Largy, P. (2013) Le développement des automatismes en production écrite du CE2 à la 4e collège à travers l’accord de proximité et les récupérations d’instances, dans C. Gunnarsson-Largy & E. Auriac-Slusarczyk, (Eds) Ecriture et réécritures chez les élèves : Un corpus à la croisée entre des genres discursifs et des methodologies d’analyse. Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia Bruylant, 129-152.
- Largy, P., Simoës-Perlant, A. & Gunnarsson-Largy C. (2013) Comparaison novices – experts en révision de texte narratif, dans C. Gunnarsson-Largy & E. Auriac-Slusarczyk, (Eds) Ecriture et réécriture chez les élèves. Un seul corpus, divers genres discursifs et méthodologies d’analyse. Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia Bruylant, 113-127.
- Soum-Favaro, C., Gunnarsson, C. & Largy, P. (2013). Le traitement de la liaison en production écrite. dans Ledegen (Ed) Les variations du français dans les espaces créolophones et francophones. France, Europe, Amérique. Paris : L'Harmattan, Tome 1, 49-66.
- Gunnarsson, C. (2012) The development of fluency, complexity and accuracy in the written production of L2 French. In Housen, A., Kuiken, & Vedder, I. (Eds.) Dimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency Investigating Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA. Language Learning and Language Teaching Series, Amsterdam: John Benjamin, pp. 245-274.
- Gunnarsson, C. (2012) What is ‘improvement’ in L2 French writing? In Torrance, M., et al. Learning to write effectively: Current Trends in European Research. Bingley : Emerald, pp. 190-192.
- Saddour, I. & Gunnarsson, C. (Eds). (in press). Réflexions sur les usages et les utilisateurs du français : aspects acquisitionnels et /ou didactiques. Peter Lang.
- Gunnarsson-Largy, C. & Auriac-Slusarczyk, E. (Eds) Ecriture et réécriture chez les élèves. Un seul corpus, divers genres discursifs et méthodologies d’analyse. Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia Bruylant.
Additional information
Expertise/Valorization of research
Member of the scientific committee or the international conference Les troubles du langage écrit : de l’enfance à l’âge adulte, Université Toulouse 2 – le Mirail, 2012.
Member of the scientific committee or the international conference Phonlex 2010 – the liaison and other sandhi phenomena, Université Toulouse 2 - le Mirail. http://phonlex.free.fr
Organizer with Christiane Soum Favaro and Annelise Coquillon (UTM) of the conference Phonlex 2010 : Liaison and other sandhi phenomena, Université Toulouse 2 Le Mirail, 8-10 septembre
Organizer with Emma Auriac-Slusarczyk (Laboratoire PAEDI, IUFM d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand) and Irène Fenoglio (ITEM, ENS-CNRS, Paris) of a Conscila workshop, « Plusieurs disciplines, diverses méthodes appliquées à un seul corpus d’écrits scolaires ‘Grenouille’ - copies d’élèves de CE2, CM2, 6ème, 4ème - Qu’apporte le pluridisciplinaire à l’étude de la production verbale écrite ? » Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, 26 mars 2010
Participation in research networks/projects
ANR no. 962 2801 W803 PHONLEX : de la phonologie aux formes lexicales : Liaison et cognition en français contemporain, Directeur de Phonlex : J. Durand, Laboratoire associé : Octogone - Jacques Lordat, Université Toulouse 2 Le Mirail.
GDR-CNRS 2657 APPVE Approche pluridisciplinaire de la Production verbale écrite (Dir. : D. Alamargot,), Pôle 2 - Processus : mises en œuvre et contraintes. (Coord. : L. Chanquoy & Irène Fenoglio)
GDR-CNRS 2657 APPVE Approche pluridisciplinaire de la Production verbale écrite (Dir. : D. Alamargot,), Pôle 2 - Processus : mises en œuvre et contraintes. (Coord. : L. Chanquoy & Irène Fenoglio)